There are buzzwords to consider—and those to avoid (“buzz phrases” count, too!). Fox News recently covered not just the downside to “I feel like,” but also a number of other “things not to say” and I’m happy to have my article included. Check out “Don’t Embarrass Yourself Saying These 12 Commonly Misstated Phrases” for ideas on things that make you look unprofessional at best and uneducated at worst. Reading this piece will also show you why Fox thought it was a great resource for speaking professionally.

However, first let’s consider how you’re feeling. “I feel like” has become so ingrained in American speech as a means of not hurting others (i.e. “I feel like when you say ABC, it reflects poorly on the company” instead of “You’re making us look like idiots”) that you’ll hear it constantly. Unfortunately, the intentions are good but it comes across as passive and fearful.

Maybe there are circumstances where “I feel like” is the right choice, but it’s probably not the case in business. Save that for sparing use in your personal life. It’s time to reclaim power statements, especially if you’re leading a company.

See more articles on phrases to avoid that Fox handpicked here?


‘I Feel Like’ Is the Newest Controversial Phrase You Should Avoid-with John Rampton